Heavy Duty Molded Rubber Smooth Flat Surface Stair Treads 7020 formerly 700


Smooth flat surface stair treads offer long wear; easy cleaning; reduce noise; marbleized colors show less wear. Four styles to fit almost any stairway. Meets Flame Spread Rating of 75 or less using ASTM-E-84 Test. All treads have a sanded back for better adhesion; contain no asbestos.

  • 1/4″ thick, tapering to back edge, 12-5/16″ deep
  • Square molded nose 1-9/16″ Deep
  • ATTN: If precise color matching is critical, contact us first for a sample
  • Click here for installation and maintenance directions
  • Orders under $150.00 for this product line will incur a small order fee of $20.00
Category: SKU: SKUACEHOSE305