Open Cell Sponge Sheeting – Natural Rubber – Black Roll


  • Prices are for a Medium density roll.
  • Temperature range: -0Deg F to +160 Deg F continuous, 200 Deg F intermittent, 275 Deg F in some cases for very short amount of time.
  • Soft, Medium-Firm, Firm, and Xtra-Firm densities are available. Call us for a quote.
  • Rolls are 36in Wide
  • Rolls are available in a 48″ width on special order.
  • Standard roll lengths are listed. Other lengths are available. Call us for a quote.
  • Available in metric thickness.
  • Rolls may contain up to 3 pieces
  • Other available colors are tan and red.
Standard Specification Sheet
Product Number 3110 (Black) 3120 (Black) 3130 (Black) 3140 (Black) 3150 (Black)
ASTM D 1056-78 Designation RO 11 Soft RO 12 Med RO 13 Med/Frm RO 14 Firm RO 15 X-Frm
ASTM D 1056-98 Designation 1A1 1A2 1A3 1A4 1A5
Compression Deflection 25% 2-5 psi 5-9 psi 9-13 psi 13-17 psi 17-22 psi
Density 20 lbs per cubic ft Minimum 22 lbs per cubic ft Minimum 25 lbs per cubic ft Minimum 25 lbs per cubic ft Minimum 25 lbs per cubic ft Minimum
Tensil 40 lbs per square in. Minimum 40 lbs per square in. Minimum 40 lbs per square in. Minimum 40 lbs per square in. Minimum 40 lbs per square in. Minimum
Elongation Over 200% Over 200% Over 200% Over 200% Over 200%

Definition of Open Cell Rubber: Open-Cell sponge rubber possesses an interconnected cell structure which will permit limited absorption and circulation of gasses and fluids. Outer surface of the material is continuous (rather than porous) and exhibits good physical durability. Because air can pass freely between its cells, Open-Cell sponge offers a high degree of compressibility and displays fast recovery upon release from compression. Open-Cell sponge is absorbent and should not be used where resistance to fluid penetration is required unless protected with a surface coating.

Category: SKU: SKUACEHOSE383 Tag: