Rubber Diamond Design Stair Treads 620D/Formerly 622


Diamond design surface is 6″ deep, covers impact area of pedestrian traffic. Meets Federal Specs. RR-T-650E and ZZ-T-001237(GSA-FSS). Install with Neoprene Contact Adhesive or Rubber Flooring Adhesive; use Epoxy Nose Caulk for longer wear and added safety. Improve appearance, add safety and durability, lessen traffic noise in schools, hospitals, banks, theatres, hotels, airports, restaurants, factories, malls; all heavily travelled stairways.

  • 3/16″ thick, tapering to back edge, 12-1/16″ deep
  • Smooth rear border is 5-1/2in deep
  • 1-9/16″ square nose (or 1-3/8″ curved nose)
  • A Flame Spread Rating of 75 or less using ASTM-E-84 Test
  • Treads have a sanded back for proper adhesion.
  • Contains no asbestos fiber.
  • Molded of top quality homogeneous rubber compound, color extending throughout thickness
  • Free from objectionable odors, blisters, cracks or imperfections which might impair serviceability
  • ATTN: If precise color matching is critical, contact us first for a sample.
  • Click here for installation and maintenance directions
  • Orders under $150.00 for this product line will incur a small order fee of $20.00
Category: SKU: SKUACEHOSE286