Rubber Disc-O-Tile 782 formerly 788
This unique floor tile with raised circular discs (3/4″ diameter), for better traction; is attractive, non-staining and non-discoloring. Factory cut 19.69″ x 19.69″ square tiles mean quick installation, fewer joints. Circular discs allow for easy cleaning. Wheeled equipment moves across easily. Ideal for stair landings, lobbies, entrances, elevators, hallways, ramps; around concessions or vending machines. Install with Epoxy adhesive.
- Downloadable Cut Sheet
- Size: 19-11/16″ x 19-11/16″ (50cm x 50cm)
- Overall thickness: 5/32″
- 1/8″ w/ out profile
- Profile height: 3/64″
- Profile diameter: 1-3/32″
- Tile shall have a Flame Spread Rating of 25 or less using ASTM-E-84 Test
- Tile shall have a sanded back to assure proper adhesion
- Contains no asbestos fiber
- Made of top quality properly cured homogenous rubber compound, color extending throughout thickness
- Free from objectionable odors or imperfections which might impair serviceability
- Price is per tile
- ATTN: If precise color matching is critical, contact us first for a sample
- Orders under $150.00 for this product line will incur a small order fee of $20.00